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The references in the old bibliography on pyrite from La Rioja and Soria are numerous, (Calderón, 1910), although without written reference to the town of Navajún. Valdeperillo, Ambasaguas, Valdenegrillo, and many other enclaves, are cited as popular pyrite outcrops, often with their own morphological characteristics.

In 1965, Pedro Ansorena Garret, requested an exploration permit. He was then granted an investigation permit. On May 2, 1983, the General Directorate of Mines granted the Concession for the Exploitation of Mining Resources in Section C called ¨Ampliación a Victoria¨ in the municipality of Navajún and Valdemadera (La Rioja) and San Pedro Manrique and Valdepedrados (Soria). Since then, the deposit has been exploited regularly until today.





The only place of exhibition and sale of our Piritas de Navajún until now, has been through international fairs in which the attendees come from all over the world and are about the general public, mineral experts, collectors and interested parties...

These fairs have been of great importance because over the years, Pirita de Navajún has fully entered the international collecting market, being increasingly appreciated and valued, becoming a benchmark in the field of Spanish mineralogy. Also, thanks to this work, the Pyrite of Navajún has become one of the symbols of La Rioja, (Spain).

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